DPR Wait UN Weapons Smuggling Investigation TNI Or Polri Not Engaged

WARTAHOT – Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Fadli Zon insists it was waiting for results of an investigation of the United Nations (UN) on the suspicion of smuggling weapons to Sudan. Fadli Zon sure TNI / police are not involved.

“We are still waiting for the UN investigation on illegal weapons, because this involves the peacekeepers it concerns the reputation of Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesia should be clarification as soon as possible. That we did not get involved. But if involved should receive severe sanctions, “said Fadli Zon at the Parliament Building in Jakarta.

Therefore, he hoped the UN later smuggled weapons could explain the matter formally. And therefore, all according to Fadli Zon, had to wait for clarification from the UN.

Previously rumored forces Formed Police Unit (FPU) VIII of RI is still stuck in a transit camp in the service of Al-Fashir, Sudan. They are currently under investigation and interrogated by local officials as to the allegations of weapons smuggling.

“They were there in a transit camp in the airport, then they were examined and there were interrogated,” said the Head of Public Relations Division Penum Police Commissioner Martinus Sitompul at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo South Jakarta.

To help return them, no instruction from the police chief Tito Karnavian to immediately send personnel to Sudan. Later the police personnel who are sent see the process of examination of FPU VIII troops and help return them. (tjo)

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