Indonesia Ranking of 108 World Malnutrition Government Not Serious

WARTAHOT – Based on the Global Nutrition 2016 report, Indonesia is in the world ranking of 108 related malnutrition. Unfortunately, the government is not serious in addressing malnutrition in Indonesia, said the Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Okky Asokawati with concern.

Though the government’s target in 2019 is no longer malnutrition in Indonesia. In fact, today Indonesia just over Laos and Timor Leste, continued Okky.

Related to this, Okky suggests, the Ministry of Human Development and Culture (PMK), which led the Puan Maharani, as the leading sector in the handling problems of malnutrition to accelerate the relevant ministries and institutions to concretize the effort to eradicate the problems of malnutrition in Indonesia.

But until two years running, there has been no significant steps to address the problem of malnutrition in Indonesia, said PPP politician reminds.

Because the causes of the emergence of malnutrition problem is quite complex, began about poverty, education and culture. For example, about poverty, Okky rate it remains a problem unresolved until today, especially rising food prices are judged to further increase the vulnerability of poor nutrition appear in public.

In terms of education, Okky asked the government to enter the educational curriculum which is not simply introduce the anatomy and reproduction, but also gives a comprehensive understanding about the functions and problems that arise in the anatomy of the body especially the reproductive organs.

Besides other causes, there are many teenagers who have had children. Though the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), in 2016 targeted figures of teenagers who have children 38 / 1,000. But what happens, the target is missed because there were 48 / 1,000 children. Even in West Kalimantan has a high rate that is 108 / 1,000 teenagers.

It is therefore necessary to encourage each local government to enter the NSPK Family Welfare (Norma Standard Procedures Criteria). For this to be the attention and political will of the government, he explained terminate. (Tjo)

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